10 nutrients for healthy & happy skin

Healthy skin starts with healthy nutrition. Eating healthy and varied foods can even reduce serious skin problems. In general, eat as much fresh, unprocessed produce of various colors as possible. Also, take good care of your liver by avoiding as many toxins as possible. This is because when this organ becomes overworked, it dumps toxins into the cells and under the skin. But there are also some very specific nutrients that have a positive effect on your skin.


Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body. Excessive amounts of free radicals damage certain proteins in the skin such as elastin and collagen, resulting in accelerated skin aging.

What to eat?

Among other things, berries (blueberries, strawberries, ...), dark leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds are rich in antioxidants.

Vitamine A

Your body does not produce vitamin A itself. You can only get this nutrient through food and through the skin. Your skin absorbs this vitamin within a few hours; through food it is a bit slower.

Vitamin A boosts your health in several ways:

- Stimulates cell growth and creates collagen fibers (skin rejuvenation)

- Reduces the production of excess sebum

- Keeps the accumulation of keratin (protein) in the skin under control A lack of vitamin A often results in dry, rough skin.

What to eat?

There are lots of natural sources of vitamin A, such as eggs, yellow bell bell pepper, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, broccoli, avocado, peach, apricot, melon and mango.

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex consists of eight different B vitamins. Some of them have an important effect on the health of your skin.

- Vitamin B3 (niacinamide): acts as an anti-inflammatory, reduces redness and improves the barrier function of the skin. Good for treating inflammation, dryness, redness and pigmentation.

- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): prevents dehydration and retains moisture in the skin. Helps your skin recover, for example, after an intense peeling.

- Vitamin B8 (biotin): makes new skin cells and also ensures strong hair and nails. Too low a biotin level can be recognized by dry, flaky skin, cracked corners of the mouth, brittle nails and hair loss.

What to eat?

The main sources of vitamin B complex are meat and fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, grain products and vegetables such as chard, sweet potato, tomato, carrot and avocado.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a big impact on your skin. Namely, it affects the formation of collagen in the deeper skin layers. In addition, it acts as a powerful antioxidant. Because vitamin C contributes to a strong skin barrier, it also helps keep your skin hydrated. And as if that's not impressive enough, this vitamin also boosts your immune system and enhances iron absorption from plant foods.

What to eat?

You absorb vitamin C through citrus fruits, kiwis, apples, sweet potatoes, spinach, peaches, papayas and soybeans.

Vitamine E

Vitamin E and essential fatty acids are often found together in food. Therefore, these nutrients keep each other in balance. Their combined power protects skin cells from oxidation and prevents inflammation. Moreover, vitamin E has both moisturizing and soothing effects. So it helps your skin to absorb moisture and retain it efficiently afterwards.

What to eat?

The combination of vitamin E and essential fatty acids can be found in fish, avocado, seeds (and their oil) and nuts.


Taking care of your skin can be as simple as just drinking enough water. By hydrating properly, you add moisture to your skin. And that helps get rid of toxins and improves the overall health of the skin.

What to eat?

Not only a glass of water, but vegetables and fruits also contain a lot of moisture.


Your skin cells are constantly renewing themselves. To avoid disrupting that process and to keep your skin elastic, you also constantly need new proteins. These proteins are made up of essential and nonessential amino acids. The non-essential amino acids your body can make itself. But to build them, you need essential amino acids. And you get those in turn from your diet.

What to eat?

It's best to include lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tofu and legumes in your diet.


Zinc enhances the repairing power of your skin because it helps renew your cells. Thus, this mineral plays an important role in wound healing. Moreover, its antibacterial action supports the treatment of acne. Because zinc is an antioxidant, it also protects your cells from free radicals, which can be harmful to your skin.


Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts with a positive effect on the digestive system. But they also benefit the skin, especially when it comes to special supplements that survive your gastrointestinal tract and are absorbed through the bloodstream. Thus, researchers already discovered positive effects on eczema, hypersensitive skin and rosacea.

Whole grain products

Whole grains contain selenium, an antioxidant essential for your skin's elasticity and UV protection. In addition, whole grain products have a lower glycemic index than refined carbohydrates, which can help control acne.

What to eat?

Choose whole grain bread, pasta and rice.

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